
Nittany Lion poses as Taylor Swift's Eras Tour poster

宾州州立银行 to offer Taylor Swift course for fall 2024

你准备好了吗? 宾州州立银行 will offer a new course titled “Taylor Swift, 性别, and Communication” starting in the fall 2024 semester. The class will hold 100 seats with 50 spots reserved for current Berks students and the other 50 spots available for incoming first-year students. 
Berks students work in a food serve environment preparing salads as part of a hospitality management course

Berks Hospitality Management and Food Services partner to enhance learning

在宾州州立银行, hospitality management students are learning about the principles of food production and service management in a living laboratory, through a unique collaboration between the college’s hospitality management baccalaureate degree program and Penn State Housing and Food Services. 教师 from the degree program and Food Services staff have partnered to offer HM 330: Food Production and Service Management.

宾州州立银行 senior embarks on exciting career in science research

夏娃吉布斯, a senior biochemistry and molecular biology major and chemistry minor at 宾州州立银行, is well on her way to an exciting career in science research. 刚刚过去的这个夏天, she completed an internship with the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. 春季学期结束后, she will spend the summer working at the National Institute of Health through their Undergraduate Scholarship Program.

Local sports teams invited for free assessments at 宾州州立银行

The 宾州州立银行 kinesiology department is putting out a call for local sport and fitness teams that would like the opportunity to complete free performance assessments, ranging from biomechanics to physiology to strength and conditioning. This opportunity is open to high school and college teams and local clubs.